Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog 18: 2-Hour Meeting Answer #3

1. What is your essential question?

How can a child care provider create an emotionally and physically healthy child care environment?

2. What is your third answer to your essential question?

By having a proper child-to-staff ratio, all the child’s needs will be met immediately by the provider.

3. What are three details to support or justify your third answer?

  • It's one of the biggest indicators as to whether or not the daycare is of quality.
  • The younger the children are, the more provider's you'll need per child so that each child is properly looked after.
  • It gives each child the proper attention they need, allowing for the risk of injuries to be lowered because they are more closely looked after and are not idle or by themselves.

4. What source helped you prove this answer is justified for your essential question?

There's actually quite a number of sources that helped me justify this answer, but I suppose that the best source was source number 34 (Blau, David. "Chapter Seven." The Child Care Problem: An Economic Analysis. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001. 125. Print.) because it talks about what makes a daycare "quality" and it mentions the child-to-staff ratio.

5. What do you plan to study next and why?

Something more on communicating with the children, because while there can be countless of answers that include the physical safety and health of the child, it's harder to think of an answer for the emotional and mental aspects of the child.

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