Friday, February 1, 2013

Blog 14: Independent Component 1


(a) I, Roxana Castaneda, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) Dr. Elizabeth Carr
Footprints Child Care Center
(626) 917-0959
(c) Log of Hours (IC hours are at the bottom)
(d) I went to my mentorship for 6 hours every week. I looked after the children that went their by either making their snacks, playing with them, looking after them on the playground, or doing some arts and crafts with them.


Here are some blog posts I made about some of the things we did at the FCCC:
I also wrote a summary of what I did everyday on my IC log.


Going to a place and actually putting your research into practice can help you learn even more than with just your research. It's like doing an experiment, you can't just do a little bit of research and call it a day, you should go out and put your theories into practice and test it out. So going to my mentorship helped me broaden my knowledge of how kids act around adults and around other children, and how they respond to new people being introduced into their world. I've learned that some children can be very shy and won't even try to approach me because they're not really very trusting of you yet, but once they warm up to you, it's a really great feeling.

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