(a) I, Roxana Castaneda, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) Source:
Mentorship at Footprints Child Care Center with Dr. Elizabeth A. Carr
(c) Log of Hours (Towards the bottom of the spreadsheet)
(d) The thirty hours I did were done at my mentorship at a daycare in West Covina. I went there twice a week for three hours everyday. During those three hours, I would feed the children some snacks after the toddlers' nap time was over, and we would spend most of the day outside after snacks, if the weather was nice. On days it was raining, or too hot, we would be inside and watch a movie, draw some pictures, or play with toys or blocks.
During those thirty hours, I was able to put my findings from my research into action. I could put the tips I read about controlling the behavior of a child into action and I gained a lot of patience in the process. Working with children is tough, especially since they're so energetic and a bit unpredictable so it was good to have some information stored in the back of my mind from research to adapt to different kinds of situations with the children.
The experience gained from going to my mentorship twice a week has been very valuable. Not only did it help provide more evidence for all three of my answers, but it left me with very sweet memories of the children there. For my first answer of using communication techniques to get closer to a child, it helped provide a place in which to practice those techniques. For my second and third answers of having a proper child-to-staff ratio and following sanitary regulations, I was able to see those things in action. Seeing the daycare with one teacher for every eight children and washing their hands before handling food and after changing diapers, it was great to see how my answers were reinforced in that setting.