Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Art time!

Some artwork on the wall.

Talking instead of drawing!

Hard at work.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

1. How can a child care provider create an emotionally and physically healthy child care environment?
2. What are the basics every provider must know about child care and why are they important?
3. How can a provider deal with misbehaving or rowdy children without using yelling?
4. What would you consider to be the ideal child care environment? 
5. When are parents made aware of a child's misbehavior at the daycare? 
6. Are there some reasons for a child being sent home, other than sickness? Why?
7. How can a provider get two children to play nicely or stop being rough with each other?
8. What is the best way to discipline a child?
9. What kind of snacks do you serve the children, and how often do you give them?
10. Are parents allowed to come in and just observe their child when they want to? Why?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blog 11: Mentorship 10 Hours Check

1. Where are you doing your mentorship?

I am doing my mentorship at a daycare in West Covina called Footprints Child Care Center.

2. Who is your contact?

My contact is Dr. Elizabeth A. Carr.

3. How many total hours have you done?

I have done about 75 hours, but 15 of those are for my independent component, so I have a total of 60 hours, including the hours done during the summer.

4. Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.

The daycare has a schedule that they follow everyday, so nothing much ever changes, except for the behavior and attitude of the children. I always get to Footprints at around 2 o' clock, which is when the younger kids are waking up from their naps and around the time the older kids start arriving from school. The older kids work on their homework until all the toddlers are awake, and then they all have their afternoon snacks. Once everyone finishes their homework, they can go outside and play for about and hour or two, and then go back inside to play until their parents come to pick them up. During all this time, I just aid in any way I can by setting out the snacks or making sure everyone plays fairly and no one gets hurt.

5. Email your house teacher the name of your contact and their phone number.
